Vivienne before church in her little booties and bloomers. I'm impress that I actually have a picture before the blessing. I usually run so late I forget to take pictures at all. Thank goodness that my Mom came the night before and helped get Genevieve ready

It was so nice that the family that live close were able to come. Left to right Kendra Campbell is holding Genevieve, then there is my Mom, Me and Vivienne, and Kim Watson

Genevieve has her baby Gero (a little Giraffe) and her mommy Giraffe that never seem to leave her sight. Left to right. My Dad or Pa Pa according to Genevieve, Jeff, Me and Vivienne, and my Mom holding Genevieve

Our Family

The Men in the family. Left to right. Jeff, Me and Vivienne, Bob Watson holding Genevieve, and Stuart Campbell.

Genevieve loves to try on my shoes, I am so surprised that she can actually walk in them these heels are at least three inches tall, and she was having a blast.
What sweet pictures, she looked so adorable that day. It was nice to see your family their to support you guys.
So cute! It's so much fun to see pictures of you guys and hear about what you're up to.
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