Pink and purple balloons and cake were the only thing Genevieve wanted for her birthday. When asked what kind of cake she wanted; Pink(strawberry), white, or Chocolate. She told me she wanted Green or as she says Grear. I asked her what green tasted like? Nummy Nummy Grear was her answer, so my mom made a pink and green layered cake.
I think the girls had the most fun playing outside with the dollar store flowers. We also made some fancy felt purses adorned with jewels. Of course I forgot to take a picture of them but, that's me.
Genevieve still sits in a high chair because I haven't bought two more chairs since we moved and have room for them. I thought she would want to sit at the table but she kept wanting to sit in "my chair".
Genevieve loves to blow out candles. And this year we kept with tradition and only had three candles.
Three is such a sweet age. All the decoration, cake, and balloons were more that enough for Genevieve. I don't think she realized that she was getting gifts. She seemed so surprised that there were presents for her.