It was so exciting to have Helene and her kids come to California this summer. Genevieve was thrilled that "her friends" were here. I don't know if she really remembered much from the last time we saw them in May.
For two nights they came to stay with us. I was hoping that we could have beach weather and spend the time here in Redondo Beach but the weather this summer has been rather cold so one day we went to the Santa Monica Pier and 3rd Street, and the next day we went to the Grove to see the American Girl store. On the was home from the Grove Genevieve realized that her cousins weren't coming back to our house, she cried almost the whole way home. She hadn't been so upset since we made her leave the pumpkin patch last year.
Poor Vivi she hardly got out of her stroller for both of the trips. At the end of our day in Santa Monica we got some Pinkberry and hung out at the fountains at 3rd street.

At the base of the pier they have a tiny play area that is sandy with a dragons head and a boat made out of concrete. The kids played there after we ate our hot dog on a stick. And for those that our interested this is the first hot dog on a stick location.

Here is the view from the Ferris Wheel, you can tell how beachy the weather was.

Jeff and Giro, There are fair like rides on the pier, and the line to buy the tickets was right beneath one of those boat rides that swing about 180 degrees. Each that thing was above me I wanted to run out of the line. But I managed to suck it up for a few minutes and get the tickets.

Genevieve and Clare on some of the Kiddy rides

3rd Street and the Fountains